Eau Claire
Sober Living

Create a Lifestyle That Supports a Lifetime of Recovery

Eau Claire Sober Living is a substance-free, live-in community, that provides a safe and supportive environment for those seeking recovery. We guide our residents through transformation, borne from a neuroscience-based recovery model, connection, healthy-living, and renewed self-awareness.

We know …

We know that healing takes community, shared experience, and common goals to create a lifestyle that supports a lifetime of recovery.

Client Testimonials

  • “I have a year clean today and so many things to be grateful for and EC Sober Living is one of them. I know that without the EC sober house I would probably not be alive today. I really was at the bitter end. At the age of 62, before I came to the house I had nothing left in my life to live for. I can say my mind was so far gone from the drugs that I was ready to give up on myself. Thank you for believing in me and the love you shared with me and the other women at the house, you are truly amazing.”

  • "I don't know if I would have been this confident and sure of myself if I had gone anywhere else. Honestly. My newly improved life involves and starts with you. Your loving heart, drive, energy and motivation showed me that it's possible. Your support and good will deserves to be recognized."


Your donations allow us to continue to make a difference in the Chippewa Valley.

Our First Home

Here are a few of the spaces in the first Eau Claire Sober Living home - The Rose House. This historic home, nestled in the heart of Eau Claire, has warmth, charm, and plenty of room to grow.